Our mission is:
To create life balance
How can anyone do this?
We already started by asking the question, How?
Next, we do what we can to put a big smile on either our face or somebody else's face. Simple!
Then, we go back to #1 and ask the question "How?", all over again.
This is who we are:
FRESH Carolina, LLC started out as a 5-year, $5,000,000 project that first began on January 1, 2018 when the company launched 500 Corporate Shares for sale at $5,000 each. On March 1, 2019, these shares were valued at $7,000 each (40% increase in only 13 months).
On February 29, 2020, each of the 500 existing shares were split into four (divided by 4) and the value set for each of the 2,000 ordinary shares was set at $1,750. So, if you purchased any $7,000 shares prior to February 29, 2020, that means you now own four (4) $1,750 shares for each of the $7,000 shares that you had prior to February 29, 2020.
NEWS FLASH: On December 31, 2021, all Type A shares became worth $2,000 each. The value of each Type A share had been $1,750 since February 2020.
FRESH is an acronym that integrates elements from five different areas to form the following five separate business units:
F: Food, beverage, and hospitality
R: Recreation (indoor & outdoor)
E: Events, Entertainment and Education
S: Scientific Research
H: Health Services
The project consists of various elements that comprise a five-year strategy with these five different phases:
Phase 1 – Secure location (100% complete)
Phase 2 – Develop basic infrastructure and pilot business model (75% complete)
Phase 3 – Build event venue and restore existing warehouse (December 2021)
Phase 4 - Activate business units (January 2022)
Phase 5 – Business expansion phase (2022 - 2023)
Our 12 Core Values
(same as the 12-points of the Scout Law)
1. Trustworthy
2. Loyal
3. Helpful
4. Friendly
5. Courteous
6. Kind
7. Obedient
8. Cheerful
9. Thrifty
10. Brave
11. Clean
12. Reverent
Our 3 Basic Rules
Be mindful and conscientious at all times, but never break the law.
Never, ever, do anything to hurt yourself or to hurt anyone else.
Always follow rules number 1 and 2.