Share Value Increase
On January 6, 2025, the value of Type A shares increased from $2,250 to $2,300
Shares Current Value Left for Sale
Type A $2,300 725
Type B $1,000 876
Type C $ 500 321
Type D $ 100 61
Shares Split in 1/4
March 10, 2020
As of February 29, 2020, our 500 shares will be split into 1/4 portions and become 2,000 shares in total. Since before Saturday, February 29, 2020 the value of each share was $7,000, the new value after February 29 will become $1,750 per share. In other words, as of Saturday, February 29, 2020, the 110 shares that were left for sale have now become 440 shares, sold for $1,750 per share.
HURRY: There are only 115 shares left for sale (as of June 10, 2019)
June 01, 2019
Currently, there is a total of 500 corporate shares and only 115 of them remain for sale. The FRESH Carolina, LLC corporate shares have had an unexpected 40% increase in their value in only 18 months. It is true! As of June 1, 2019, the original $5,000 price tag assigned when first launched on January 1, 2018 has increased to $7,000.
If you are looking for investment opportunities, are seriously considering to become part of our project, and would like more information about our business, then click on the business PROSPECTUS button below or just call Jesus A. Sanchez at (M) 919-880-4868.
Current share price = $7,000
This current share price is right on target for its expected value of $10,000 per share by the end of the 5-year plan. Just remember, 5-years, $5,000,000.
UPDATE: All the 2018 Shares Sold Out
December 21, 2018
Of the 120 shares launched on January 1, 2018, 100% of them were sold out before Christmas 2018. Moving forward, as of January 1, 2019, the share price will become $6,500 per share.
Share value throughout 2018:
$5,000 on January 1, 2018
$5,500 on April 1, 2018
$6,000 on October 1, 2018
For the next phase, we plan to launch 120 more shares on January 1, 2019 and the Board has already approved the price to be $6,500 per share.
Share Value Increased 10% in Three Months
April 02, 2018
Over 70% of the shares were sold in the first three months. The current share value is now $5,500 and of the original 120 shares, only 34 shares are left for sale.
120 Shares Launched
January 01, 2018
On January 1, 2018, FRESH Carolina, LLC launched 120 shares at $5,000 per share for raising $600,000. This event is on target for the 5-year strategic plan. The funds will be used to complete phase 2 (develop infrastructure).